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こちらはよくある質問になります。他のご質問ございますか? — お問い合わせ!

How much is your service?

We have free and paid rate plan. The free version enables you to create a simple page: post a few links, add some text and choose a theme.

How many profiles can I connect to a single rate plan?

One Instagram profile — one rate plan.

Why am I supposed to pay for a minimum of three months?

We have very reasonable prices. Most services charge more per month that we do for three.

So you offer discounts?

Yes. If you pay for 6 or 12 months right away, you will get 30% of 50% off respectively.

Can I transfer my rate plan to another profile?

We can transfer your paid rate plan to another account.

Can I change my rate plan later?

Yes, you can upgrade/downgrade your rate plan at any time. You will be charged the difference for your new rate plan when you upgrade.