How to create a QR code for multiple links

Content Marketer and Writer
Updated 20 February, 2024
Julia Moore
Content Marketer and Writer
Since you keep your finger on the pulse of modern technologies for business, you will find this guide on how to create a QR code for multiple links very useful. It explains how to get a QR code with multiple URLs as well as how to use it to modernize your business to the highest possible level.
Reading time — 8 minutes

It's a Taplink page that allows you to share multiple links by one QR code. In the screenshots below, you can see an example of a multi-link QR code and the Taplink page it directs to.

Scan the multi-URL QR code or follow this link to view the full page.

A Taplink QR code for multiple linksA rest spot’s page with multiple service links opened by a QR code

A QR code with multiple links is dynamic. This means that you can edit the page with multiple URLs at any time. Users will see the new page version by scanning the old QR code.

Below you can find step-by-step instructions on how to create a QR code for multiple links.

How to create a QR code for multiple links

The first step when you create a QR code for multiple links is creating a page. Sign up on Taplink and choose a page template with the theme that you like most:

  1. Make sure you are in the Bio link tab.
  2. Select a category to find a theme quickly.
  3. Scroll down to view all the themes. Tap the theme you like.
  4. Tap Choose.
Choosing a template category in the Bio link tabChoosing a template in the categoryChoosing a template in the preview mode

Now you've got a page. Customize it before you download the QR code with multiple links.

1. Upload your photo

Add your photo to the page with a multilink. If you have a logo, use it. If you don't have a logo, use a photo of yourself, your physical storefront or product, etc.:

  1. Tap the image.
  2. Tap Upload image and select a photo on the device.
  3. Optionally, change the size.
  4. Tap Save changes.
Highlighted blank profile photo on a Taplink pageTapping the Upload image buttonChoosing the profile picture size

That's it, since now, your client can be sure the QR code for multiple links has directed them to your brand's page.

2. Edit the text

Enter your brand's name on the page with multiple links:

  1. Tap the text.
  2. Erase the default text and enter your own. 
  3. Optionally, adjust the text settings: and size, case, align, emphasis, and color of the text.
  4. Tap Save changes.
Opening the heading settings on a Taplink pageHighlighted text field in the block settingsHighlighted text settings for the heading block

Edit the second text on the page in the same way. You can specify your slogan or explain what you do.

3. Specify links

The page you've got has buttons on it. You need to specify links in the buttons' settings:

  1. Tap a button.
  2. Erase and specify custom text to be displayed on the button.
  3. Edit the secondary text or delete it.
  4. Paste a link. We are adding a link to the in-room dining menu.
  5. Tap Save changes.
A highlighted template button with default text on a Taplink pageCustomizing the default texts in the button settingsHighlighted URL field in the button settings

Note that links can do various actions. They can not only direct to web pages but also initiate phone calls, or email or SMS composing, etc. The action for a particular link is set after the 3rd step — select an action and specify the necessary data.

Selected action in the button settingsSelected Call option on the list of button actionsHighlighted filled phone field in the settings

We edited the rest of the buttons, and that's what we've got:

Customized service buttons in the Taplink editor interface

4. Add more links

You can place more buttons for links on your page for a multi-URL QR code, the buttons can be:

  • Regular. These are the buttons you read about above. They can lead to any web pages, initiate phone calls, SMS or email composing, etc. You can add such buttons both on free and paid plans. (First screenshot)
  • Branded. These buttons have the brand color and logo of a messaging app or platform. They can direct users to your social profile or channel. Branded buttons are available on paid plans. (Second screenshot)
All-purpose buttons on a Taplink page in a red frameBranded buttons on a Taplink page in a red frame

All buttons are added the same way. We give an example with the branded buttons. So, first, we switch to a paid plan and then:

01. Tap Add block.

02. Select the Social networks or Messaging apps block.

03. Choose a platform.

Tapping the Add block button in the Taplink editorChoosing the Social networks block on the list Selecting the Facebook button from the list of social media buttons

04. Specify your username, phone number, etc. The required data depends on what you selected in the previous step.

05. Optionally, you can add more platform links in this block. We do that. We tap + Add new item and repeat steps 3–4.

06. Tap Save changes.

Setting up the social network buttonsTapping the Save changes button

That's it, the links are added. That's what users will see after scanning our QR code for multiple links:

Customized all-purpose and branded buttons on a Taplink page
Tip: You can choose the colors of the branded buttons and make them the same that are set for the page theme. Open the button settings, go to the Design tab, find the Colors section, and select Design. Detailed instructions are here.
Setting up the design of social network buttonsBranded buttons in the style of the page theme
Tip: Your page for a QR code with multiple links is more helpful for your clients if you add texts, maps, images, etc., in addition to the links. There are 18 elements that you can add.
The top of the list of Taplink blocks The bottom of the list of Taplink blocks

We have added more texts to our page. In the next step, we are moving them to the right place.

The new texts highlighted on a Taplink page

5. Set the order on your page

Move the elements on your page so that they follow each other in the right order. Tap and hold the three lines next to the element, drag it to the right location, and then release. Move other elements in this way.

The three lines of a block highlighted with an arrow

Well, your page is ready, now you need to publish it and then download the QR code for the multiple links.

6. Publish your page with multiple links

Before you download the QR code for multiple links, make the page with the links available to users:

  1. Go to page publishing.
  2. Specify the unique part of the link. We recommend using your brand name.
  3. Tap Connect.
Tapping the publishing buttonAdding a custom URL partConnecting a specified URL

Now users can get to your page. It's time to get the QR code with your multiple links.

7. Customize and download the QR code

The QR code for multiple links on the page is generated automatically. Optionally, you can customize the code design. After that, you can download and print the multi-URL QR code.

  1. Tap Publish.
  2. Expand the QR code tab.
  3. There you can see the design settings. Optionally, adjust them. Read the detailed instructions here.
  4. Tap Download file.
Highlighted Publish buttonHighlighted QR code tab and its settingsTapping the Download file button

How to get the most out of your QR code for multiple links

The tips below will help you get all the benefits of using your QR code for multiple links.

Add your social media links to the page

Include your social network links among the links a client gets by the multi-URL QR code. Add a call to action inviting the clients to follow them and subscribe. Thus, you will be able to stay in touch with your clients even after they leave your hotel, restaurant, store, etc. Communicate with them in posts and Stories and you will create customers' trust and loyalty to your brand. This means your customers will come back to you in the future.

Social media buttons at the bottom in a red frame

Make sure the code is scannable

Use contrasting background and dot colors to make your QR code for multiple links scannable. If you are creating the code with a colored background, choose the background color that contrasts with the color of the dots. If you are creating the code with a transparent background, make sure the color of the surface you print the code on is in contrast to the dot color.

When you have printed the QR code for multiple links, scan it to check if it works. If the code doesn't work, then maybe it is:

  • small. Create a design with a larger code.
  • blurry. The QR code image quality may have decreased when you were creating the print design or when printing. Download the code image again, add it to your print design and print it out again.

Add a call to action next to the QR code for multiple links

Print a call to action next to your QR code for multiple links. Explain to users what to do exactly and why they may need this. For example, you can write "Scan if you need anything". A call to action will increase the number of scans.

A printed brochure with a QR code

Track statistics

Watch and analyze the page statistics for the day, week, and month:

  • The number of page visitors.
  • The number of clicks for each link.
  • Conversion rate for each link.

This helps you understand what your clients need.

Page statistics interface on Taplink

Share your page with multiple links online

Don't limit yourself to sharing your multiple links by the QR code only. Add the link to the page that you have just created to your social profiles. Post it in Stories, Highlight, posts. Thus, when clients come to your profile looking for answers, they can easily find them.

For example, create a highlight "For guests" in your Instagram profile. Add the link to your page with multiple links so that your guests can call the reception and request a room service.

An Instagram story with a link to a Taplink page

Set the block display schedule

Set up the display time for the blocks to automatically keep only up-to-date links and information displayed on your page.

For example, your hotel is hosting a party for an upcoming holiday. You finish accepting applications the day before the event. Add an application form and set a schedule for it — from the current day to the day before the event.

A scheduled section on a Taplink page

Here are the options for setting up block display time on Taplink:

You can also manually disable and enable the display of a block if you have no permanent schedule for it.

The bottom line

Create a page with buttons on Taplink to get a QR code for multiple links.

You only need to specify the URLs and publish your page. After that, you can customize and download your multi-link QR code.

Create your QR code with multiple links with contrasting background and dot colors. Scan the code to make sure it works. Then customers will definitely be able to scan your code and follow your links.