101 questions ideas for Instagram Stories

Content Marketer and Writer
Updated 31 May, 2024
Julia Moore
Content Marketer and Writer
Instagram launched Stories stickers for questions, which help followers and an Instagram account owner get to know each other well, hold a contest, or create a new topic for posts. In this article, we'll tell you about ways to ask your followers and give you 101 ideas.
Reading time — 8 minutes

How to ask questions on Instagram Stories

Use special stickers to ask your followers on Instagram. There are two options: Stories stickers for questions and for polls.

  • A question sticker is good for calling your followers to ask you in Stories.
  • A polling sticker is eligible for creating a form where users send their wishes, feedback, etc.

How to ask with the question sticker on Instagram

This is another sticker that you can add to your Instagram Stories. When you get a good question idea:

01. Open Instagram and tap Your story in the upper left-hand corner. Upload a photo from your camera roll or take it with an Instagram camera.

02. After that, find the Sticker icon in the upper-right corner.

03. Choose Questions.

04. At the top in the center you will see a palette circle. Tap on it to change the color.

05. There is a question installed by default inside the form. You can leave "Ask me a question" or tap a music icon next to "Aa" for asking users to share their music recommendation. Another option is to come up with your own title.

06. Hit Done.

07. Tap Your Story. 

How to ask with a polling IG Story sticker

"Ask me anything" sticker is not the only option. You can post a question on Instagram Stories and give users options of the answers.

01. Open Instagram and tap Your story in the upper-left corner. Upload a photo from your camera roll or take it with an Instagram camera.

02. Find the Sticker icon. 

03. Choose Poll.

04. Add a question and answer options.

05. At the top in the center you will see a palette circle. Tap on it to change the color of letters. Additionally, you can add a background for the words by tapping on the icon with "A" next to the palette.

06. Hit Done.

07. Hit Your Story.

There is a difference between Instagram Story stickers for questions and polls. If you use the first one, you will get a notification when someone asks a question, so you can answer it in Stories. A polling sticker shows you the percentage of choosing one or another answer.

You can group together similar questions from different followers.

How to answer several questions at once in IG Stories

So, you've got the questions from your followers. Now you can answer them. You can do it in Instagram Stories too and even add the answers to them.

01. Open a Story with a question sticker. A list of already asked questions is at the bottom.

02. Answer one of them, but don't publish. For the background, you can choose another picture.

03. Tap a Save icon.

04.  Tap a Back sign in the upper-left corner to discard your Story.

05. Go back again. Answer the second question and place the screenshot with the first one as a background.

06. Hit Your story.

This way, you can answer several questions in your Instagram Stories at once using a pre-prepared background. There is no restriction and moderation in asking questions. You choose what you want to reply.

The number of questions is unlimited. The more followers see them, the more appealing and in-demand you will be for them.

101 Instagram Story question ideas

First things first, before posting an Instagram Story with a question, edit the title "Ask me a question" of the sticker.

What to write in the title?

  • Write the answer here!
  • What's up?
  • Welcome!
  • I'm waiting for questions!
  • Be original.
  • Pay attention!
  • Your opinion.
A title has to fit into 16 characters. Additionally, users often use emojis instead of writing something. They add questions as a text somewhere on the photo. 

Now, let's move on to questions!

Funny questions for your Stories on Instagram

Here are funny ideas. You can take and post them in your Instagram Stories.

  1. What funny nickname did you have as a child?
  2. What games did you like to play?
  3. Tell me about your perfect weekend.
  4. How many hands do you need to keep up with everything?
  5. What is your spirit animal?
  6. What is your most hilarious memory of us? 
  7. What is the worst thing you've ever purchased?
  8. Can you describe yourself in one word?
  9. Have you ever cheated on someone?
  10. Have you ever lied about your age or weight?
  11. What is your biggest addiction?
  12. Are you a morning person?
  13. Do you like gift presents or receive them?
  14. Birthday or Christmas?
  15. If your life was a movie, which one would it be?
  16. 1million dollars or 1 year living without the Internet?
  17. What would happen, if all people looked the same way?
  18. What is your most expensive purchase?
  19. Which superpower would you like to possess?
  20. What did you try for the first time during the 2020 lockdown? 

Questions for bloggers pages

  1. What places do you recommend visiting?
  2. 5 best apps for photo editing.
  3. Is it worth promoting Instagram with 2000 followers? 
  4. How do you promote your account?
  5. How did you start your blog?
  6. Who is the first person on Instagram who you followed?
  7. Three tips for new bloggers.
  8. Tell us about the last book you read.
  9. Where is the best place to buy clothes on Instagram?
  10. The Instagram blogs you read most often.
  11. Where do you get ideas for posts?
  12. What mistakes shouldn't be made when promoting a blog?
  13. Tell us about healthy eating.
  14. How to monetize Instagram?
  15. What kind of cars do you like?
  16. What gift can I give my mom for her birthday?
  17. Which laptop is better suited for gaming?
  18. How to choose the right Korean cosmetics?
  19. What boosts your energy?
  20. How do you think age is a key player in relationships?

Instagram Story questions for girls

  1. What kind of people don't you like?
  2. Do you have a skeleton in your closet?
  3. What is your favorite music group?
  4. What do you prefer: a private house or an apartment?
  5. Do the dreams made for Christmas come true?
  6. What is your last significant purchase?
  7. How do you spend your free time?
  8. What is the nicest thing?
  9. What language do you want to know?
  10. What is the last picture on your phone?

Instagram Story questions for guys

  1. What kind of sport do you like? 
  2. What rules do you follow every day? 
  3. Which application do you use most often?
  4. How many followers do you know in real life?
  5. What funny situations happened this week?
  6. Who would you never go on vacation with?
  7. What perfume do you like?
  8. What is the most important for you: career or family?
  9. Are you still in touch with your first crash?
  10. What do you value most in friendship?

Question ideas for everyone 

  1. What is more important: money or health?
  2. What profession do you consider the most difficult?
  3. Have there been any awkward situations in your life?
  4. What kind of person do you admire?
  5. Do you play video games?
  6. How often do you read or watch news?
  7. Tell us about your favorite movie.
  8. What kind of music do you prefer?
  9. What new words have you learned recently?
  10. Who was the first celebrity crash you remember?
  11. What is your biggest fear?
  12. 5 things you can't live without.
  13. Do you believe people can change?
  14. What are your pet peeves?
  15. Do you have pets?
  16. Who inspires you?
  17. What are your plans for Christmas?
  18. Do you have any fetishes?
  19. The most awkward situation that happened to you.
  20. Do you think about the past or the future most often?

Frequently Asked questions on Instagram Stories

  1. What situations do you try to avoid?
  2. Your favorite quote.
  3. How to have fun in the summer if there is no money?
  4. What will you do with $5 million if you win? 
  5. What will you never do?
  6. Share recipes of your favorite dishes.
  7. What did you collect when you were a child?
  8. Have you read comics at least once?
  9. What questions annoy you?
  10. What is not allowed to ask on the first date?
  11. Do you outline a plan for the day?
  12. What childhood dream has remained unfulfilled?
  13. Fast food or healthy eating?
  14. What attractions do you have in your city?
  15. Top 10 songs.
  16. Tea or coffee?
  17. What is happiness for you?
  18. What is your daily routine?
  19. How would you spend a day of your dream?
  20. What are the values that you appreciate in people?
  21. Have you ever thought about deactivating your Instagram page?
Only an Instagram account owner will see the author of a question.

When you figured out the questions that are asked in Instagram Stories most often 

If you notice that you receive the same question each time when you post Stories with the sticker, we advise you to pin its answer on your Instagram page. This way, people can find it on their own. They don't spend their time waiting you to answer and you are not annoyed by answering the same thing a million times.

How can you do that? Create an Instagram landing page on Taplink. There you can collect all the links to your messaging apps, socials, and websites. Add text, photos, YouTube videos, location, and answer in detail on frequently asked questions.

Your followers can easily find information about you by following the link in your Instagram bio that leads to this page.

It takes less than 10 minutes to create a page like that if you use templates. Here is the template of the page example above. Sign up and replace information — and that's it. Quite easy!

Let’s recap

Questions in Instagram Stories increase audience engagement and make you closer to your followers. They can be thematic, personal and creative.

  • Personal questions relate to the owner's life, plans and goals. 
  • Thematic ideas help to share expert opinions with followers and attract new audiences. 
  • Funny questions ideas for Instagram Story are the most popular among others.

If you're annoyed by answering the same question again and again, create a website for your business and add a FAQ on it.