Social Media Engagement: why is it so important?

Content Strategist and Editor
Updated 27 February, 2025
Kos Morris
Content Strategist and Editor
Reading time — 7 minutes

Many companies attempt to enlarge their brand awareness via engagement on social media. It is one of the ways to attract more customers but not the easiest one as it requires some knowledge and experience. It is important not only to find your target audience but also to find the right path to the hearts of it so that to make them buyers. 

What is engagement on social media – definition, and meanings

Social media engagement is a measure that shows how much an influencer's content resonates with its audience. It measures the volume of shares, likes, reposts, and comments.

Social media engagement is crucial if you make money on social media, whether you share Amazon item links on Instagram for this or collaborate with brands. The higher your engagement, the more money you can make.

Altogether, those tools are helpful for every business to create, develop and adjust their social media strategy as well as to understand current users' involvement. 

There are different ways to estimate social media engagement. One can do it via a post engagement, which is the total number of actions people do after reading the article. It includes likes, comments, shares, etc. Customer engagement is not easy to build as it requires an appropriate strategy, deep understanding of audience and knowledge of technics that will stimulate customers to interact with the brand.

Social media engagement measurement and metrics

There are several types of tools that are useful for a business to measure social media engagement. They include:

You can also use additional convenient methods to calculate the engagement rate.

How to create your own strategy

You need to create a marketing strategy before stepping into this branch. Simply posting is not enough to engage more users into your society. A well-developed approach is needed. Here we are going to give you several recommendations that may be useful in the beginning. 

Learn more about your target audience

It sounds obvious, but the majority of all failures are due to defining the target audience and their interests wrong. It is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. You need to start thinking like your average customer first. 

The best way to do it is to start communicating with the eventual clients of your business and analyze their needs. By doing this you will have more chances to succeed. You can also run through your competitors' campaigns in order to take some key ideas from there.

Plan your activities first

It is a big mistake to engage in the fight for customers without having a previous “battle” plan. You can start by setting the goals of the campaign. However, it should not be like a plan for a plan. It should not sound like your goal is to attract leads. It is obvious and unuseful for your future campaign.

You can start with the following statements:

  1. I want to get feedback about my brand and social media efforts.
  2. I need to find leads.
  3. One of my goals is to provide users and future customers with abundant information about the products.
  4. My brand’s perception should be changed.

This is not a complete list of your wishes you can include in your plan. There are more of them, but those are the basic ones that you may include to start with.

Do not hesitate to ask your readers to act

The worst mistake that can be done by any business is to avoid asking the readers of content to do something. Remember that leads are not generated by themselves. It is not time to be shy. Your final goal is to involve readers, to convert them into customers and into your product promoters as well.

By sharing, liking and any other types of actions, your socially active users will help you to increase your brand’s awareness. Additionally, you need to create a unique call to action for your every post depending on what exactly do you want from the users to do.

How to engage readers to play on your side? There are many interesting solutions for that including:

  • Posing a question.
  • Promoting shares and repostings.
  • Creating an interesting quiz.
  • Releasing interactive content requiring some actions from your users.
  • Doing a poll.
  • Offering a rating system.

Start building your community from the very first post

It is not a secret that a good community will help you to promote your Social media efforts and brand faster than anything. Building a community will take some time and require energy, but it will end up with an award in case of success.

Why is this point important for every company doing business on the Internet? A strong community gives you the following benefits:

  • It increases brand awareness without additional efforts. Your community members will be pleased to share the posts about your company with their own subscribers.
  • Healthy criticism. 
  • Brand protection. 

How to build a strong community? There is no best recipe for this. However, there are several useful recommendations that you can use:

  • Try to be as open with the readers as possible. 
  • Keep your response rate at the highest level.
  • Be ready to admit your mistakes.
  • Stay focused on solving your customers’ problems.

How to increase social media engagement - tools and tips

There is no doubt that the more you post, the higher the visibility of your brand you will get as a reward.

Daily posting is an optimal strategy since it allows you to maintain relations with the users, remind them about your company and show them that you have something interesting to tell them. Post schedulers make regular posting easy, try them or the Instagram scheduling feature.

However, it is not recommended to issue “posts for posts” meaning posting articles without any idea or spamming followers with ads to keep your channel updated. There is no medium number of posts per day or per week. The safest strategy is to release one to three articles every 24 hours.

Media content

Images, videos, infographics play a very important role in social media engagement. Their main idea is to attract readers’ attention to the post and increase the interaction rate. It is important to mention that all media content should be of high quality and interesting. There is no need to insert “images for images” into your posts. All media content should be interesting and useful.

Communication with customers

Listening to the readers is one of the key aspects of a successful social media campaign. By reading the comments you get a great opportunity to have feedback on your brand and particular products. Do not avoid this chance to communicate with the customers in a constructive and positive way. 

Results estimation

It is crucial to evaluate the results of your every posting in order to understand the attitude of your customers towards the brand and the strategy you have chosen to promote your products. By doing those calculations, you will be able to update your approach towards social media campaign.

Be ready to give something for free

A successful social media campaign is not limited to timed and interesting posting and communicating with the readers via comments. It requires some contests and giveaways as well. 

Use special tools 

There are many tools for helping companies to boost their sales and improve communication with engaged customers via social media networks.

Those who use Instagram may pay attention to, which is a multipurpose instrument allowing businesses to simplify the creation of campaigns and make them even more targeted.

Taplink offers the following benefits to the users:

  1. Multiple links in your bio. You can create a link in bio page to share multiple links on TikTok, Twitter, Instagram and other social networks. By using Taplink, you are able to make any number of clickable links to product pages, special offers, promo campaigns, social media accounts and anything else.
  2. Get your orders online. By using Taplink you will receive notifications about the orders to your email. You can export the orders to any popular CRM and use Taplink to manage them.
  3. Micro landing page. One of the most interesting features of this service. It allows you to create a landing page to increase your sales. Use any available tools including media content, text, FAQ, etc.
  4. Online store. You can create an online shop at scratch in ten minutes. Customers will be able to view and pay for goods directly within the Instagram app. 

Taplink landing page builder offers three account types. You can use it for free with a basic set of features including standard blocks (text, link), FAQ, preset color schemes, some basic metrics. Advanced accounts give you more professional tools to lift your campaign to the highest level.

Final words

Engaging people in your social media environment is not an easy task to do. There are several aspects you need to consider in order to succeed. We hope this article will help you or will give you an idea of how to build your strategy and path to create a healthy and strong community as well as increase your sales via different social media channels. 

Do you remember our recommendation about avoiding hesitations when asking people to act? If yes, please, do not forget to share the post with the others before you leave. Are you interested in learning more about social media promotions? Please, stay with us, read our previous articles and follow the latest posts.