Instagram post ideas for lawyers

Content Marketer and Writer
Updated 31 May, 2024
Julia Moore
Content Marketer and Writer
Solid specialists like you can find clients on social media, too. Here we explain Instagram marketing for lawyers and law firms so that you can find clients. We give post ideas for becoming the lawyer users trust most and think about first in case of a divorce, an inheritance or rent dispute. We arranged some of the ideas in a ready content-plan, which you can find at the end. Also, you will find a way to turn the users who’ll see the posts into clients who’ll pay.
Reading time — 13 minutes

What's special about Instagram marketing for lawyers?

Useful posts have the key role in Instagram marketing for lawyers. Sound knowledge you provide is even more important than a high-quality picture. This is what differs lawyers' accounts from most other accounts on this social media.

Thus, consider the following nuances when you create a marketing strategy or schedule posts in the Instagram app.

  • Show your expertise. Explain law to Instagram users in an understandable and easy way. Try to make it interesting and related to the people's lives. Nobody wants to read wordy documents. People can do it without you. But they are unlikely to understand them without you.
  • Make your legal specialization clear. Lawyers, like doctors, usually have a specialization: financial disputes, family matters or property legislation. You should make your specialization crystal clear to Instagram users. State it in your bio, mention it in Stories, Highlights, posts.
  • Get credit. You need to prove you are an expert. Below you can find law firm Instagram post ideas for this. But besides that, you should communicate with your audience and advise for free. Answer their questions in comments, posts and Stories. You don't have to solve their problems for free, just give a tip or a hint. This will be beneficial for you. They will know you are an expert. When the time comes, they approach you or recommend you to others.
  • Create a good Instagram bio for your law firm's account. Your bio is the first thing a user sees when they get to your page. Therefore, use it to introduce yourself. Write briefly and clearly who you are and how you can help.
  • Post Instagram Stories and save them to Highlights. You can tell more about your law brand or firm there. Then, a person can quickly learn who you are when they get to your profile page.
  • Video content. If you have the opportunity, time and desire, create videos to post to your lawyer's Instagram profile. This will increase reach and engagement in your account since people often prefer watching videos to reading texts.
  • Checklists and instructions are a great way to provide information in a lawyer's Instagram account. Ordered information in posts is easy to understand, it allows you to convey the very essence without unnecessary details. You can post checklists, memos and instructions in Stories in the form of a structured informative visual, or you can add a link to the post caption for downloading a document.
  • Try to arouse emotions in users with your Instagram posts. You can post on hot topics, write stories and examples that resonate with your audience. But be careful and know when to stop. A pragmatic analysis of tragic events can be condemned for trying to "rise on the HYPE".
  • Post cases from your law practice in your Instagram account. And try to avoid the language of official documents. It's better to give information in an understandable language for everyone, it will be easier to perceive and doesn't make them fall asleep.

Instagram post ideas for lawyers

Now let's get to the main part of your lawyer marketing strategy on Instagram. Here are post ideas that you can add to your account. They are good both for individual specialists and firms.

Posts about your law firm and its specialists

Content type: advertising.

People should know that your Instagram page is a place where they can get law advice. You can say this by making a post-acquaintance. Tell your audience about who you are, your specialization and experience, where you studied, etc. You can mention several situations from your practice as examples.

Another post idea to introduce yourself as a lawyer on Instagram is called "Why me". In such a post, you briefly, in structured theses, tell what advantages you have and why people need to approach you. Here it's worth talking about experience in specific areas, statistics of positively resolved issues, grateful clients, approaches to work, etc.

Post about your prices. People want to know the price when choosing an individual lawyer or a firm, and this is true on Instagram too. That's why the cost is a good post idea you can use in addition to information about yourself, diplomas and documents. This may be a list if you have some basic plans for standard services. Or this may be an explanation of how the price forms.

Lawyers' expert advice in your Instagram

Content type: educational, expert, advertising.

Lawyers are a far cry from bakers, who can sell by posting photos of cakes on Instagram. Most of your posts have to solve several crucial tasks at once:

  • show deep awareness;
  • build loyalty and trust;
  • attract followers who would like to improve their legal literacy;
  • natively show what services you offer.

There are a lot of Instagram post ideas for law firms that are good for this. For instance, you can shortly answer a question that concerns your target audience, or give advice in a specific life situation.

Debunking the myths works well for lawyers marketing strategy on Instagram too. Such format of posts can dispel any misconceptions in juristic sphere, and additionally, help you show your experience and knowledge. This format is also suitable for working with people's doubts that prevent them from seeking help from the specialists.

Cases from law practice, news and precedents

Content type: informational, image, expert, advertising.

Keep your ears open and be up-to-date in any changes in legislation, letters and explanations of bodies, precedents and high-profile cases. Posting on new or discussed topics in your Instagram account, then you'll show to the potential clients that you or the lawyers in your firm are on this, and you won't make a mistake out of ignorance.

Post clients' feedback on Instagram

Content type: expert, advertising and image.

Practical cases in a lawyer's Instagram account is like a portfolio for a designer. This is the main confirmation of your competence and experience. They show how you work and what you are really capable of. Therefore, there should definitely be such content in the account.

The main thing is to find a right format, which can both demonstrate your skill and won't overwhelm followers with unnecessary procedural details.

In addition to posts in the Feed, add a brief summary of cases, feedback in your Instagram Stories and save them in Highlights, so potential clients can easily know the expertise of your law firm. Read how to post an Instagram Story that attracts clients in less than a minute.

Answers the questions your Instagram followers ask

Content type: training, expert, image.

Answering the questions is a real solution for lawyers on Instagram who run out of post ideas. You don't have to puzzle over topics, the audience gives them to you. And with such posts, together with awareness and trust, you work on loyalty. Followers like to get free information from an experienced specialist.

You can collect followers' questions through a special "question" sticker on Instagram. You can well ask something in a post and suggest answering in comments. Thus, you will get post ideas for your law firm marketing strategy on Instagram for a long time in advance.

Diversify your Instagram Stories with questions there. Both ask your followers and suggest them to ask. There are several options — make out the text in a graphic editor, take screenshots from messengers, record videos, etc.

Humor, interactive, situational Instagram post

Content type: engaging, entertaining.

We have to notice that humor posts are rarely found in lawyers' Instagram accounts. But this is stilla good idea for your profile. Every blogger must involve and entertain users to run an effective marketing strategy.

For example, lawyers and law firms can entertain and involve their Instagram audience by telling a funny case from their practice. It doesn't even have to be closely related to the law. 

You can dilute a serious feed of tips and cases with situational content. This can be a popular meme on a topical on a topic or just a congratulation to colleagues on a professional holiday.

In Stories, interaction is suitable for engaging. You can periodically ask followers questions, posting correct answers after a while, or create an entire section with an analysis of legal cases.

Ready-made Instagram content plan for lawyers

We prepared a ready-made content calendar to show an example. There you can find the described above law firm Instagram post ideas. 

We tried to make the Instagram marketing content plan suitable for lawyers of various specializations. We give an example of a family lawyer content plan, but you can easily adapt it to your legal area. Of course, you can add univeral post ideas for Instagram or exclude those you don't want in your blog.

Tap the link above to see the marketing content plan for lawyers' accounts on Instagram. Copy the plan to your drive and adjust it as you like.

Now that you've got enough Instagram post ideas for lawyers, you can create amazing posts regularly. Let more people see them! Read the 8 ways to promote your Instagram posts, both free and paid, for this.

How lawyers can turn their Instagram audience into clients

And one more Instagram marketing bonus for lawyers and law firms: we are sharing a tip on how to convert more users into customers.

What prevents Instagram posts from converting?

Posts help to find potential customers, but this doesn’t always result in a deal. And this happens even if your law firm Instagram post ideas are great.

People may get interested in your Instagram posts, and many of them may want to book a law consultation. But how can they do this? You can’t add a book or call button to your posts. Though they would be very handy.

Assume you have a law firm with specialists in different areas. One of the specialists helps people to secure deals, another one consults on family issues, and the third one works with crime cases. And you post about these law areas on your Instagram profile.

So, a user gets caught by your law firm's Instagram post idea about a rent dispute. They want to book a consultation posthaste. How can they do this? You can suggest users text you in Direct or put "+" in the comments. And ask them to add "rent living in a tent" as a code word. Then the right specialist can contact them immediately. But, you see, this is not decent for a law firm.

How to increase your Instagram posts’ conversion rate?

You need to give Instagram users an easy way to book your law consultation to increase the conversion rate. And, since we are talking about Instagram marketing for lawyers, this way should be more decent than the DM or the plus icon in the comments.

The best way to let Instagram users book your law consultation is to suggest to them in the post caption to follow the link in your law firm account bio. This link appears to users the same moment they get to your profile page. That is, they will definitely find it.

And now the most important thing: whether you already have your own site or not, use the link in bio tool Taplink. Without it, the conversion magic will not happen. Taplink upgrades your bio link so that users become customers.

You may ask "How?". So we answer "these ways":

  • Distributing your traffic. You can share any number of links in your Instagram bio. These can be links for contacting lawyers from different fields, pages on your website with detailed terms and conditions, or useful information such as contract templates, social network links, and many more. Users can find a solution themselves.
  • Lead generation. Not all Instagram users are willing to call or text you. Besides, you can’t always be on the phone or online. So give users the opportunity to book a consultation using an opt-in form. They will leave their contacts and you can reach out to them later.
  • Bounce rate minimization. Users browse from their phones in 60% of cases. Heavy-content and dense code websites take a long time to load on phones. Instagram users can’t wait and they leave. It’s different when your law firm uses the link in bio tool. The pages open instantly on any device and thus, users stay.

Let's compare pages' loading speed. Below you can see the speed test results on Pingdom. On the left are the results for the law firm's page created using the link in bio tool. On the right are the results for the page of a lawyers’ website that we found on Google requesting "New York law firm".

All these make booking a law consultation easy on Instagram. Which means users will be more willing to do it.

Here's what it looks like. On the first screenshot there is a post with a call to follow the link in your Instagram bio, on the second one there is the link in the bio, on the third one there is the page where a user gets to when they follow the link.

So how can you upgrade the bio link in your Instagram law firm’s account? Sign up on Taplink and create a page for your legal brand. If you have any difficulties, you can find a solution in the step-by-step guide.

How to create an Instagram link in bio page for your legal firm in 15 minutes?

Templates help you create a link in bio page for your Instagram profile quickly. Taplink has page templates for lawyers and law firms. They have book buttons, opt-in forms for booking, and a description of a legal brand with highlighted benefits. You only need to adjust them to your brand.

Below you can see the page templates for lawyers on Instagram. Follow the links to get them after a quick sign-up:

Link to your law firm’s page in all your social profiles. First of all, add the page link to your Instagram bio. You can link to the same page on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

You can also get a QR code for all your links and info and share it offline. For example, print it on a business card.

Instagram marketing bonus tips for law firms

Here are Instagram business tips that lawyers can use to promote their accounts and make money on social media. They are not specifically for lawyers and law firms, but they work well and that's why they are worth mentioning too.

  • Don't ignore your followers. When people ask you questions about the law in Instagram posts, Stories, or Direct, answer them. If a person knows they can come to you with a question, they will approach you for a paid consultation one day.
  • Be careful with direct sales. A sought-after lawyer most often has a waiting list. An obsessive offer "to buy" may be a sign that you're lack of clients. And this is a reason to doubt the competence.
  • Show your face. This is relevant both for a law specialist and for a law firm. On Instagram, it is more interesting to follow a real person than a faceless corporate logo. If you work alone, post your photos and share your success. And a company can introduce its lawyers to followers. For instance, show in the cases who exactly conducted the case.

If you have a juristic blog on a website, link it to your Instagram profile. Then you won't need to come up with post ideas for your law blog on Instagram specifically. You can repost from the website.